Each of our logo designs are created from scratch and are 100%
original. However, RealEstateLogoDesign.com cannot guarantee
that a very similar logo does not already exist. RealEstateLogoDesign.com therefor offers
no guarantee regarding the availability of trade names or trademarks.
If a similar logo exists, RealEstateLogoDesign.com will work
with the client to make the necessary alterations to the logo,
free of charge. However, by ordering
a logo design from RealEstateLogoDesign.com, the customer indemnifies
RealEstateLogoDesign.com, it's owners and affiliated companies/affiliated
individuals/logo designers from legal responsibility regarding
all copyright, trade name and trademark issues. The
customer agrees to take sole legal responsibility should the
logo design be infringent upon existing intellectual property
rights, copyrighted material, trade names or trademarks of any
The turnaround times indicated on the web site cannot be guaranteed.
We are 100% committed to delivering within the indicated turnaround
times whenever humanly possible.
When a refund is requested, the customer forfeits copyright
to the purchased logo(s) and may not use the logos in any way
or for any purpose whatsoever. The sole copyright to the logo
designs in question will remain with RealEstateLogoDesign.com
who may, at its option, either reuse or destroy that logo.
The RealEstateLogoDesign.com money-back guarantee is valid for 30 days or up to the point where the design process moves beyond the first set of concept designs. A client may respond to the first set of concept designs with either feedback or a refund request. If feedback is received, the design process continues and a refund will no longer be offered.
5. In the custom logo design process,
many logos are created that are not accepted by the client.
RealEstateLogoDesign.com will retain ownership of all such concept
logos, except for the final (accepted) version of the logo which
will become the property of the client. The
copyright to that entire image in all its forms is automatically
transferred to the client upon completion of the design process.
RealEstateLogoDesign.com will not have the right to resell or
reuse the logo in any way. The only right we retain is
the right
to display all concept logos and the final logo design as part
of our portfolio of past work, either on the Internet or any
promotional material.
RealEstateLogoDesign.com may change specifications of logo design
packages, prices and the Terms of Service above at its discretion
and without prior notice. The only exception to this is that RealEstateLogoDesign.com will not alter point 5 above in such a way that the copyright
of the final logo image is not transferred to the client.